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  • ✨ the SPARK 181 ~ Define Your Growth Strategies

✨ the SPARK 181 ~ Define Your Growth Strategies

And then go ALL in

Welcome to the 181st issue of SPARK, a weekly newsletter that helps you transform daily experiences into compelling content that
captivates and sells.

I attended a great webinar this week by Matt McGarry on Newsletter Growth.

If you’re unfamiliar with Matt, he runs a newsletter agency called GrowLetter and is responsible for the massive growth of big-name newsletters (you’ve probably heard of most).

I registered for Matt’s webinar and made sure to attend live as there isn’t a replay (although he said after he runs it a few times and refines it, he’ll then send a replay).

More and more creators are using the ‘no replay’ strategy, and it’s probably a good idea, especially with a free webinar/training. Matt has a big audience, but there were over 130 people on the live webinar.

He went over four primary growth strategies:

  • The 1-Reward referral program: in other words, give away something for 1-3 referrals (usually a digital product that can be consumed and implemented in 10 minutes or less). So skip the BIG rewards (10-100 referrals, most people don’t do it anyway).

  • Giveaways: It’s been a long time since I’ve run one of these, but it worked extremely well. He gave tips on prizes and how to attract quality subscribers. He also talked about ‘new-subscriber’ giveaways. The only way people can see this giveaway is when they’re a new subscriber.

  • Swaps: We’ve all heard of newsletter swaps, and they still work incredibly well (more so than programs like the “Creator Network,” where other newsletters are shoved in your face after you subscribe).

  • Meta ads: As someone who is working on mastering paid traffic this year, this is on my list of strategies. I’m staying focused on the ecosystem Laurel Portié teaches right now, but want to start testing these this summer.

He’s also a big proponent of organic growth (social, content, etc.), but it’s important to remember that this all happens on “rented land” (how many “TikTok-only” creators are worried about their businesses right now? 🤔).

There’s an upcoming cohort for Matt’s newsletter growth opening at the end of May.

Part of me is SO tempted to jump in, but the wiser part of me is saying:

I’ve been in this space long enough (16 years) and know what I need to do.

Which is simple: stay focused and do good work.

I’m sure there will be another cohort for his training, and if there isn’t, then I’ll trust that, too.

There are so many ways to grow your business, but you don’t need to do them all today.

Because I’m already running paid traffic and am still in the data-gathering phase (remember, it’s 90 days to data), I don’t need to add another paid traffic strategy.

I’m choosing three organic strategies (that complement each other) and staying focused.

This is outside of any organic content I create (and I’m also getting more selective about what and where I create it).

  1. Referrals: This is built into beehiiv, so this will launch next week (and is easy to set-up)

  2. Giveaways: I will test this mid-may (have some fun ideas on prizes that are relevant and will attract high-quality subs)

  3. Swaps: I didn’t want to pursue this until I was done with the beehiiv move. Now that I am, I’m committed to doing this consistently.

All of these strategies are ongoing and can be tweaked/adjusted as you gather new subscribers and analyze your data. Matt even recommended doing giveaways every 60 days! (That feels like a lot to me… I could see it a few times a year, but it probably depends on the size of your list and if you have help doing it).

Whatever you choose to do, put blinders on and master that strategy for you.

I recently saw a woman I’ve followed on and off for years who has a multiple seven-figure business and runs it without social media. 🤯

As tempting as it is to take her training (how many people would love to be off social media?), I’m not going to.

My gut says she uses paid traffic instead (obviously, this is just a hunch, but all businesses need traffic. If it’s not free, it’s paid).

There's no point in jumping into someone else’s strategy when I’m focused on the one I’m already implementing.

Pick a few strategies you can focus on and master them.

Go ALL in.

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SPARK Spotlight 🔥

I’ve been looking for an alternative to Notion for a while (my brain simply does not operate in databases!), and I think I’ve found it. I just signed up this week and will share the journey as I dig in.

If you’re more of a visual thinker, Scrintal may be the way to go for organizing content, your business, campaigns, and more.

A Little Brainpower 🧠

9 Writing frameworks you can start using today. (link)

How to organize 7-days of LinkedIn content (in 5-steps). (link)

How I completely retooled my newsletter subscription offering. (link)

Tool Time 🛠

Sloth on a beach in Costa Rica drinking an iced latté 😂

HAHA… yea, kind of me 🤣

If you ever hear me talk about moving again, it’s safe to assume that I have hit an income in my business that requires me to do absolutely NOTHING other than show up to my next destination. 🤣

I spent a few days over the last couple of weeks purging and moving storage units (long story - too boring to share why). 👇

The only benefit of moving so many times in the last five years is that I’ve continued to purge, downsize, and reprioritize things (I had boxes in my storage unit that I labeled “go thru before Costa Rica”—as in 2021, when I first moved).

Other than my body sort of hating me (it's time to get back to weights!), there is something incredibly freeing about getting rid of things. I’ve made a dump run, so next up is donations.

All of this inspires the same behavior in my business.

It’s ALL about “Sacred Simplicity” for me (my new favorite term).

Letting go of things that no longer serve me and simplifying as much as possible.

The simpler things are, the easier it is to focus and grow.

Have a fantastic day, my friends!